
Rest assured, our credentials as fully insured and licensed locksmiths speak to our commitment to professionalism and reliability. Trust D&F Locksmiths to safeguard your valuable assets with our cutting-edge security solutions and responsive services.

Contact us anytime for all your locksmith needs, and experience the peace of mind that comes with choosing D&F Locksmiths – where your security is our priority. Our many 5-star reviews speak for themselves our customers are always left happy.

Ciaran Flanagan
Ciaran Flanagan
Thanks so much for your speedy service, very fast and professional. Very thorough also when advising. Totally recommend 🤙
Orna Mac Monagle
Orna Mac Monagle
Excellent service from start to finish - locked myself out of car 8pm on a Friday - call was answered in a professional way - I was updated on response time and updated throughout the wait time also which was amazingly quick in busy Christmas traffic - the work was quickly completed and I was able to pay straightaway - I called another provider which stated 24 hour and they called me back 13 hours later - definitely not a solution with house and car key inside - I will continue to sing praise on these guys - take a peek inside their vans - that’s shows how organised and customer focused they are - excellent service !
Colin Dunne
Colin Dunne
Dumitru was great to deal with and reprogrammed my faulty car key in his van workshop at my house
Anon Ymoose
Anon Ymoose
very good
Dogariu Andrei
Dogariu Andrei
highly recommend
Alexandru stratila
Alexandru stratila
Got a new car key for a good price. Dimitrii was an absolute gentleman and profesional. Highly recommend!
conor duffy
conor duffy
Very quick and efficient service and cheaper than any other businesses I rang and enquired about
Ciaran O Gorman
Ciaran O Gorman
Fantastic service. From first call to job complete in about two hours Would definitely recommend
Gareth Nugent
Gareth Nugent
Rang about 10companys and got no joy, rang D&F locksmiths, was with me within the hour and had new key and car running within 10mins, great service highly recommend
Mihaela Ciobanu
Mihaela Ciobanu
My problem was solved in a quick time and was clearly that Dimitri knows his job. Definitely I’ll call him again in the future.